A five-minute channeling on showing you to yourself.

A transcript of the channeling is included below.

Such a joy it is to have this opportunity once again to chat with you and to discuss what is going on with you and to further your practices to becoming your truest, soulularly expressive self.  We have just coined a new phrase, soulularly expressive. . And what that means is that these is now an opportunity, what is coming into your consciousness in these days is an opportunity for you to live from your soul self rather than from your mind itself. Now, of course we are not telling you to give up your mind altogether. You can’t do that and remain human. 

But if you will begin to focus a bit more on what is your soulular journey in this lifetime, then it will be that you will become happier with yourself, more contented in your lives and able to function at a higher level.  What that means… And of course the questions in your minds are absolutely “Well, how do you do that? How do you know what your soul’s journey is meant to be?”  And what we want to say to you about that is that it is for each of you, it is part of a journey to discover that aspect of yourself. And what you do is you begin to ask yourself to reveal yourself to yourself.  This is a very personal thing. It can be private, it can be public, it can be whatever it is that helps you to discover the soul aspect of what you are.

Now this is not to say your purpose and intention in life necessarily.  Everybody gets very hung up at some point on “What am I meant to do? What am I here to do? What is my purpose in this life?”  We are asking you to not even be asking that question because it doesn’t serve you to do so.

What does serve you is to begin to ask yourself, to reveal yourself to yourself. This is what you do:  you just sit quietly for five minutes every day and you breathe and you’ve just focus upon your breathing and you ask the question. Show me myself to me. Reveal to me my soul’s journey in this lifetime.

Now this is a question you are going to have to ask yourself every single day, because the fact that you are not taught to focus on that aspect of yourself means that it is going to take a bit of time for the covers, the curtains, the veil to be pushed aside so that you can reveal yourself to yourself.

Practically from the time you were born, you have covered up your soul essence in order to survive your human existence. Does that make sense to you? You understand what we’re talking about? And so it becomes a conscious, intentional practice to cause yourself to decide that you want to remove the coverings that you have placed over your soul so that you can see your core essence clearly in your mind’s eye.  And that of course is makes the mind extremely important in this thing.

For some of you, it is going to be a sensation; for some of you is going to be a feeling in your body that conveys to you and understanding of what you are. For some of you, it will be a thought in your mind.  For some of you, it will be paragraph of words that you sort of hear or sense within you. It has many, many, many ways, depending on your proclivity of understanding to reveal itself.  But for you it becomes an intentional quest to know yourself at the core of what you are, and that is your soulular journey; your soulular evolution. 

Because the soul evolves just as all of life evolves.  The soul evolves through the experience of being human on the planet.  And so you want to grant your human experiences because they assist the soul to evolve into its true highest, best self. Do you understand? And so we cannot encourage you enough to spend a bit of time every day, intentionally focused upon revealing yourself to yourself.



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